5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It Yet – And What You Can Do To Change It

Anyone can reach their definition of success… If they are willing to put in the work, and learn why they haven’t got their already.

5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It Yet – And What You Can Do To Change It

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5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It Yet – And What You Can Do To Change It Motivational Speech – Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Leonard Sicilian
Music “Universal Heart” © by Fearless Motivation, Composer: Patrick Rundblad

5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It Yet – Motivational Speech by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Transcript – 5 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made It Yet – Motivational Speech | Fearless Motivation

If you haven’t made it yet… If you have yet to reach your highest potential… If you know you should have and CAN DO more in life… Listen closely.

These 5 reasons may have held you back. LISTEN… and don’t let them hold you back anymore.


2. You aren’t prepared to give up anything.
3. You lack self discipline.
4. You’re afraid to fail.

5. You think this world owes you something.

Now, let me break them down for you, and explain what you CAN DO to move past them, to a better life.


Don’t worry about life and death… It’s not even a priority.

If you think your dream is going to come to you by putting in a couple hours a week, when you have spare time… Think again.

You must be ALL IN on your goal.

 If you’re not happy with 50% of the results: don’t put in 50% effort!

 If you’re not happy with where you ARE, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

If someone had a gun to your head, you WOULD FIND A WAY to do it.

 So make it life and DEATH. That’s what LIFE IS!

 It’s life, and then you are guaranteed DEATH… 

And you’re telling me you’re willing to go to the end, NOT HAVING GIVEN YOUR ALL – to reach the life you wanted?


 Show some courage.
 Show some character.

You will continue to DIE INSIDE a little more each day if you continue to cower in front of your DREAM!

 STAND UP to your fears, DEFEAT THEM, and live your dreams.

NUMBER 2. You aren’t prepared to give up anything for your dream.

How can you expect a better life, if you aren’t prepared to give up your EASY LIFE?

How can you expect DIFFERENT RESULTS if you keep doing the same thing? Over and over again.

How can you expect SOAR if you aren’t willing to let go of all the things holding you down?

 You must be willing to sacrifice now if you want to enjoy later. 

You must be willing to put in the hours now, so you don’t have to put them in LATER!

You must be willing to DIE for your dream NOW so you can LIVE IT later!

NUMBER 3. You have no self discipline.

When no one is watching what do you do?
 Do you work just as hard when no one is around? 
Do you need to tell people about your hard work and your hours? 
Or do you just DO IT?

Do you just put in the hours, because you WANT THE RESULT? 
Because you want to improve?

It is what you do when no one is watching that will define where you will end up.

 What you do, without needing recognition. 

What you do because you WANT IT, WANT THE RESULT, not the attention.

You must have that DISCIPLINE to work, when you don’t feel like it, when you don’t see results, when you don’t get recognition.

 That discipline to continue working when you don’t feel like it. Even when you DON’T HAVE TO… When you’re comfortable.

Do you have that discipline?

NUMBER 4. You’re afraid to fail.

If you want great rewards you must be willing to take great risk and potentially suffer great failures along the way.

Are you prepared to RISK IT ALL to live your dream?

You can’t achieve greatness if you’re not all in on your dream.

 YOU CAN NOT win the raffle if you don’t buy a ticket and you CAN NOT win in life, if you don’t go AFTER IT, if you don’t let go of the mediocre, while you challenge for the GREAT.

NUMBER 5. You think this world owes you something.

Let me tell you something: This world owes you nothing. 

You don’t deserve anything unless you EARN IT.

If you’re not willing to EARN your success, you don’t deserve it, and you’ll never get it.


 You owe it to yourself to see how far you can go in life. To stop making excuses and PUSH YOURSELF to be more.

 To take the bull by the horns and ride that rough journey to your goal.

 NO ONE owes you anything except yourself!


5 reasons

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